We had an awesome Northern Lights show last night. Here is a 2 minute time lapse and a few images....

September 27
We had a decent Aurora show last night and there "could" be more tonight....
The time lapse shows that it went on for most of the night...
September 23
Have you ever noticed the Doppler radar showing rain when we know it isn't raining. Sometimes it is just clutter from the sensitivity settings.... But, this time of year it is birds.... migrating south.... Cliff Mass covers this in his blog today. He talks a bit about our dry summer and then covers the "bird radar"....
September 20
This morning's sunrise was pretty awesome.... Here is one image from the time lapse below.....
September 19
The sky was beautiful and very active today....
Best viewed on high speed internet at :
September 18
Yes... The skies are changing....
This morning we had the "New Normal" sunrise....
September 17
Summer says goodbye....
September 16
It seems like there is always something going on out front.
Today we had some incredible superior mirages on Whidbey Island. These are caused by a large temperature difference between the lower level (sea level) and the air above. It actually works like a prism and bends the light. When it severely distorts the image, it is given the label of Fata Morgana…. Historically, there are many references by ancient sailors. For a little more information, this is a pretty good read:
Today I captured my best Fata Morgana image yet. This is a photo of Bush Point on Whidbey Island which is approximately 8 miles away. If you look closely, the houses are stacked on top of each other with a little sea in between. A large majority of those homes are single story. It really is a pretty remarkable phenomenon….
Last night we had a visit from Aurora and it appears to be erupting from Mt. Baker...
Here is a brief time lapse of this event:
This was followed by an awesome smoky sunrise....
And.... Let's throw in a couple of meteors too.... It was a busy night....
September 15
We had a minor Aurora show most of the night last night. It was also crystal clear all night, so this made for a very nice time lapse. Here is a YouTube version, but the quality of the video is much better here if you have a fast internet connection:
September 14
Nice moon rise followed by the sunrise this morning....
September 13
We had a minor Aurora event overnight....
We also had some awesome clouds this morning....
HD Link: http://skunkbayweather.com/MorningClouds091317.mp4
September 12
Beautiful Moonrise last night followed by a sunrise in the fog...
September 6
Today, Bush Point completely disappeared....
September 5
Today started with horrific smoke.....
Now with all this smoke and the only relief in sight is rain and clouds later this week.... This is a VERY frustrating development. Very bad timing....
Large Aurora Storm Coming
September 4
We had a very nice fireball meteor this morning that looked like it was targeting Mt. Baker...
September 3
A time lapse of the smoke moving in at sunrise...
September 2
We had a modest Aurora event and a nice meteor...
September 1
Caught a Aurigid meteor this morning. This shower peaked today. Weather (and moon) permitting, we should start seeing some September Perseid meteors that peak on the 10th....