This week my night cam caught Orionid meteors two nights in a row. This is rare. Plus, they were both fireball status....
October 21
Mass gives a nice, comprehensive overview about this "little"
atmospheric river event we are going to have today.... One thing that
stands out for me is the forecast for our own personal rain shadow....
It's gonna be wet here, but nothing like areas around us.…/5000-mile-atmospheric-river……/5000-mile-atmospheric-river…
October 19
At one of the PNW Weather Workshops I attended, there was a great presentation on "Sneaker Waves". It is really easy to see how folks underestimate how fast this can happen. The NWS posted this on Twitter today and I thought this would be appropriate to share now with all the HUGE waves out on the coast during these storms. The most important thing they stressed at the presentation was to NEVER turn your back on the ocean. In this video, no one was killed, but lives are lost every year to these powerful waves.... In the video they showed at the conference, lives were lost.....
The wave shows up about 30+ seconds into the video.... Wait for it!
The wave shows up about 30+ seconds into the video.... Wait for it!
October 18
It looks like we are in for another round of wind and rain. Yesterday was probably just the opening act for a lot of weather coming our way. The atmospheric river we have coming our way even has Ginger Zee talking about us on GMA….
I thought I would share a little caveat about the warning zones in our area. We are at the very northern tip of Seattle / Hood Canal forecast zone. At the same time, if you draw a line across the Admiralty Inlet and Northern Puget Sound zones, we are in that zone. To illustrate, I put a blue dot on the current advisory map. This is why I have the Marine and Weather Advisories for both zones on my site.
So…. Which advisory do we look at? I would think we will be high end “Wind Advisory” or low end “High Wind Warning”…. In the end, all this means is that it is going to be a pretty good blow today and we may have winds in excess of 40mph. My generator will be ready…..
October 17
Scott Sistek does a nice job of describing what we experienced today....
Click Here For Scott's Blog
Earlier Today:
A good blow going on this morning.... Gusts to 40 mph so far. Cam 3 picked up the transformer on Whidbey Island blowing this morning that left 3,487 customers without power....
October 14
We did have a decent show from Aurora between 10:30 and 12:30 last night...
October 13
A possibility of Aurora activity tonight....
October 12
Huge wind shear yesterday afternoon....
October 11
The instability today caused some incredible cumulus activity.... Clouds on Steriods...
There were a couple of lightning strikes North of us last night....
Yesterday there was a lot of instability in the clouds.... Here is an 80 second "Weather Nerd" video of yesterday
October 3
A bright moon, bright Mt. Baker and a bright Meteor....
October 2
A bright moon is typically not a good time for night photography. Last night’s time lapse came out very interesting though. Watch the sky as the moon sets and the clouds move over….